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King Conan

by Robert E. Howard

Series Description

“I’ve seen all the great cities of the Hyborians, the Shemites, the Stygians and the Hyrkanians. I’ve roamed in the unknown countries south of the black kingdoms of Kush, and east of the Sea of Vilayet. I’ve been a mercenary captain, a corsair, a kozak, a penniless vagabond, a general …”, but now Conan is striking for the throne of Aquilonia.

3 ebooks from 5 titles available

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    1. Beyond the Black River (1935)

    Conan the Barbarian is employed by one of the civilized countries to help in it's push to claim lands from the primitive Picts. The Picts are not... read more »

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    4. The Phoenix on the Sword (1932)

    The Phoenix on the Sword begins with a middle-aged Conan of Cimmeria attempting to govern the turbulent kingdom of Aquilonia. Conan has recently seized... read more »

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    5. The Scarlet Citadel (1933)

    Trapped in the dungeons beneath an evil wizard's scarlet stronghold, Conan must confront a slew of new challenges and foes as he fights to free himself... read more »